What is the Cheapest Type of Air Conditioner?

Discover what type of air conditioner is cheapest on the market and learn about popular models like BLACK+DECKER BPACT12WT.

What is the Cheapest Type of Air Conditioner?

Window air conditioners are the most cost-effective option on the market and usually don't require any installation. The BLACK+DECKER BPACT12WT is one of the most popular portable air conditioners in the world. It is the least expensive 12,000 BTU portable air conditioner unit, manufactured by a well-known American company, and its low price has made it the top-selling in its category. Setting up the air conditioner is straightforward: just position it on either side of the window, and then adjust a few things to keep it in place.

You may find a cheap air conditioner with wall cover manufactured by Midea and sold under several brands (including Arctic King, Comfort Aire, and Westpointe), but these aren't usually available at major retailers. For smaller air conditioning units, you should consider whether the room is very sunny or not, since you will need approximately 10% more air conditioning capacity than is considered normal for that room size. For cost-effectiveness, practicality and waste reduction, your friend's old air conditioner may be your best option, as long as it meets some basic modern standards. But after living with it for several summers, we can say with confidence that it is truly the best window air conditioner we have ever tried, with one of the worst air conditioning installation processes we have ever gone through.

While most air conditioners require you to install a set of expandable side panels and you weakly balance the unit on the window sill as you lower the window to try to secure it in place, the windmill comes in a nicely designed box with a built-in frame that takes care of all the hard work for you. But the peculiar design of the Midea U makes this air conditioner an atypical case in a field already known for its frustrations. Thanks to its discreet design, it is a compact unit in white that blends perfectly with most home decor. Despite its practical portable size, this unit has a double hose system that allows cold air to be distributed more evenly and quickly throughout the space.

The powerful SereneLife portable room air conditioner offers plenty of power with an 8,000 BTU unit and a built-in dehumidifier to combat those humid nights. Central air conditioning systems are complex, permanent installations that are too unique to each individual home for us to cover comprehensively. In addition to cooling and circulating air, this affordable air conditioner also comes with antibacterial and dehumidification functions.

Lorraine Brazzel
Lorraine Brazzel

Evil tv geek. Total webaholic. General music junkie. Devoted pop culture maven. Wannabe reader.