Finding the Perfect Air Conditioner with Dehumidifier Capability Near You

Are you looking for an air conditioner with dehumidifier capability near you? Look no further! Lowe's has a wide selection of air conditioners, fans, and heating and cooling products that come with dehumidifier capability.

Finding the Perfect Air Conditioner with Dehumidifier Capability Near You

Are you on the hunt for an air conditioner with dehumidifier capability near you? Look no further! Lowe's has a wide selection of air conditioners, fans, and heating and cooling products that come with dehumidifier capability. Midea portable air conditioners are designed to provide maximum energy efficiency. They come with at least one large exhaust hose that must be vented out the window, and some models have two. The Duo MAP14HS1TBL has a rotating cylindrical fan at the top that throws the cooled air up and out in an arc.

The FHPH142AC1 comes with its own standard air filter, but you can also upgrade to Frigidaire's MERV-14 PureAir RAC-6 filters, which exceed the COVID-19 filtration levels recommended by ASHRAE and the CDC. Portable air conditioners tend to be more expensive than window-mounted models, and prices can vary throughout the season. If you don't have central air conditioning, if a window air conditioner isn't an option, and if a mini-split or ductless heat pump system is too complex or expensive for you, a portable air conditioner is your best bet. The MAP12S1TBL has smart home functions and is quiet and uniform when it comes to distributing cold air throughout the room. It also has an air ionizer built in, which produces a slight vacuum effect that draws in “infiltrated” air from anywhere it can to equalize the pressure.

If you don't have an air purifier, it's better to have an HVAC filter taped to a box fan than nothing. With a SACC of 12,000 Btu according to the new Department of Energy standards or 14,000 Btu according to the old ASHRAE standards, the Duo MAP14HS1TBL is one of the most powerful portable air conditioners on the market. Target offers a wide range of air conditioners so you can find just what you're looking for. The MAP12S1TBL comes with extras like a protective cover with pocket, storage bag, sets of hoses and accessories.

So if you're searching for an air conditioner with dehumidifier capability near you, Lowe's has got you covered! Choose from big brands like Haier, Frigidaire and Whynter to enjoy quality air conditioning that lasts a long time.

Lorraine Brazzel
Lorraine Brazzel

Evil tv geek. Total webaholic. General music junkie. Devoted pop culture maven. Wannabe reader.